
Select from various sweet and savory breads listed below. Breads cannot be adjusted for dietary restrictions at this time. However, I am always experimenting with new recipes and hope to soon introduce some more bread products that can be adjusted for dietary preferences.

All products are made to order. Therefore, please order breads at least 72 hours in advance

Savory Breads



Spicy Dill & Coriander

Garlic Herb


Italian Herb

Dinner Rolls

Sweet Breads


Chocolate Hazelnut

Baklava - Honey Pistachio Walnut

Churro - Cinnamon Sugar

Walnut Cranberry

Shapes & Sizes

All breads are available as loaves, boules and other seasonal/festive shapes and various sizes. View the gallery or check my instagram page (@butteredspatula) to get an idea of the different shapes available.


9" x 5" - Min. 2 per order



Small - Min. 2 per order

Individual rolls - Batches of 12

Special Shapes

Twists -  Batches of 12

Small Star or similar - Batches of 6

Large Star or similar- Min. 2 per order